My name is Ivaylo Daskalov and I live in Sofia, Bulgaria. In our family, ever since my early years, there had always been a camera around. However, I got my first proper interaction with one on a journey across India when my sister Nadia taught me the basics of photography. I started experimenting and from that point on my interest has been constantly growing with the urge for travel always present. During my journeys I developed a strong interest for documenting people with their different cultures, lifestyle, customs and habitat. Quite naturally, later on I got involved in social projects dealing with marginalized communities. I have also worked in the humanitarian field with different international organizations. To that end, I have photographed migrants and refugees, as well as children on the move.
Other parts of my professional work include participating in environmental and awareness raising projects, commercial, product as well as event photography etc.
I would like to think of myself as an open-minded person who is constantly seeking new opportunities for personal and professional growth. With that in mind, I am open to any interesting and challenging projects and assignments that come my way.